V SSI has created 3D Walk Throughs for thousands of projects.
We have created high level presentations from Residential, Commercial, Infrastructure and Aviation. These presentations were created to Market / Sell Real Estate, Sell designs to customers and clients. Furthermore, to communicate intent to the general public. Presentation were created for Developers, Architectural Firms, Builders and even Provincial Premiers.
We have created hundreds of walk throughs for residential marketing. We developed presentations that were created to be part of large RFPs for infrastructure projects from Tunnels, Bridges, Courthouses, Hospitals and Television Studios.
Iconic Projects; Iconic Buildings we have developed visualization for renovations and upgrades:
Canadian Broadcasting Centre, C.D. Howe Institute, Bell Trinity Square, Royal Bank Plaza, Sault Area Hospital, Durham Region Courthouse, Port of Miami Tunnel, MacArthur Causeway Bridge, Upper Canada College, Lakehead University and Trent University.
Walk throughs help owners understand the space and avoid costly alterations before construction commences.
Walk throughs can prevent construction errors and design errors
Many times a client will not notice an element in a floor plan for example a column may look like a table, and when a plan is approved the client did not realize at the entrance there is a column in the lobby that will affect traffic flow on busy days. This is an actual issue that an owner has told us about. To move the column now will be a significant extra.
Placing signage in the best location to drive traffic for retail. I have seen retail mistakes, where signage was placed directly behind a column on retail storefront. Placing windows might work well on the exterior facade of the building for the architectural aesthetics but might not be optimal for residents sitting in chairs or wheelchairs. This detail can not be picked up by looking at plans and elevations.